Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Keezer is a chillin`

We have installed the temperature controller (65$ from our local homebrew store, I found it cheaper online but I like to try and support local when I can, plus I really didn't want to wait) and placed the keezer into our music room. How the controller works is by bypassing the actual flow of electricity to the freezer and turning the flow back on and off according to the temperature inside the freezer. The differential is 4 degrees on this particular device and we decided to set the temperature to 36 degrees that way the beer will never go above 40 degrees. I can not wait to taste this pumpkin ale out of the tap, we have waited so long. The samples from the 6 pack we set aside were very tasty but also very yeasty and trubby.
I also bought another keg for us to use for the next batch. There were not very many good ones at the shop but I grabbed the best of the class. I have been playing around with this idea of fermenting inside the keg and attaching a small blow off tube on the pressure relief valve hole. I am not convinced this will work but I am sure it will happen when I need a fermenter and do not have one. So the next few purchases I need to make are as follows:

A half barrel keggle, found on Keggle.com
A propane stove, found on homebrewstuff.com and northernbrewer.com
Leg extensions for that stove
I need to fashion a mash/lauter tun out of either a cooler, another keggle, or a Zapap system found on page 277 of the homebrewers bible.
A few tower taps for the kezzer

Also there is a development on the job front. I actually got out and knocked on some doors today, I did not get a job but I did get noticed and put into a stack of resumes. Siebels Brewing School is sounding like a better and better idea. Each person I talked to mentioned it to me as if I the idea had not cropped up in my mind yet.


Super cute pickle photo

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