Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wow it sure has been a while

So I am pretty sure that my last post was 3000 miles, 75 breweries, 31 national parks and forests, four beer-festivals, and two rental agreements later, I am ready to try and get this blog off the ground in a different way. I want to attempt to catalog the tremendous effort Oregon has put forth in making this the beer capital of the world!! Well, not really the world world but my world at least. The pacific Northwest gets a-lot of rain and I mean a-lot a-lot of rain. So much rain that it scared us east of the cascade mountain range out of the land of Ports and into the land of sage. We settled down in a sunny little city called Bend which boasts a population of 82,000 and growing. So far so good, we have a quaint little house in the Old Mill District which has a nice back yard for Prana and Remy to chew on each other and enough space to have a music room, an outdoor cabana, keep two cars in a garage, a naked lady room, a kitty/puppy/bubble room and a compost pile (we are saving the earth one banana peel at a time).
So here is my plan:
1. Drink Beer
2. Try and remember what I drank, where I drank it, and the condition in which the establishment is in.
3. Post it here for you all to enjoy and Comment on

Hoppy Drinking

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