Also, BIG NEWS: We found a chest freezer!

This is the second brew at the new house. We went to the homebrew store today and put together a recipe from scratch (just like a pie). This is going to be a good one and we made some interesting changes to the process. This was actually the easiest brew I have ever done and it was also the most expensive.
This is the second brew at the new house. We went to the homebrew store today and put together a recipe from scratch (just like a pie). This is going to be a good one and we made some interesting changes to the process. This was actually the easiest brew I have ever done and it was also the most expensive.
Heres the ingredients:
Grain Bill
6 lbs of DME for the base
2 lbs of Crystal 80 L
10 oz of Victory 25 L
5 oz of Roasted 300 L
5 oz of Chocolate 350 L
5 oz of Quaker Oats
All Whole Leaf
1 oz of Goldings
1 oz of Fuggles
1 oz of Northern Brewer (aromatic)
Wyeast 1187: Ringwood Ale Yeast
We put the speciality grains into a reusable muslin bag and let sit in 150 degree water for 25 minutes and then we added the rolled oats for another 10 minutes. We took all of the grains and oats out after a total of 35 minutes and composted.
We added the 6 lbs of DME and then brought back to a boil and we started to add the hops. I took 1 oz of Goldings and1 oz of Fuggles and put them together on a plate and then starting with the boil we added hops constantly for 30 minutes, putting about a teaspoon in at a time.
At 15 minutes I added 1 lb of Brown Sugar to bring the SG up a bit.
At 5 minutes we added 1 oz of Northern brewers hops.
we strained the wort into the bottling bucket and topped off with 3 more gallons of water. Good thing it was snowing because I used the snow out side and made a little igloo to facilitate chilling. A combination of the 20 degree weather, the snow and the wort chiller, we got the wort down to pitching temp in 30 minutes.
This is how I aerate my wort, I let gravity do the hard work.
We used Ringwood ale yeast because it has a high flocculation and will provide a malty complex profile.
We got a SG of 1.07 which is dangerous. If all goes well we end up with around 7.8%
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